Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Effects of Drug Addiction

!: Effects of Drug Addiction

Drugs addiction is one of the most vexing and pervasive problems that almost all the countries have faced. The consequence of such addiction can be devastating. The effects of drug addiction are felt on many levels.

Individuals who use drugs experience physical effects due to their drug addiction. People with drug addiction may experience anxiety, fatigue, depression, and a strong desire to use more cocaine to alleviate the feelings of the crash. Many drug users engage in criminal activity, such as burglary and prostitution, to raise the money to buy drugs, and some drugs are associated with violent behavior.

Family and friends feel the effects of drug addiction as well. The user who are preoccupied with the drug usually have changeable mood, which is likely to cause marital problems and poor work performance or dismissal. Drug addiction can disrupt family life and create destructive patterns of codependency.

Drug Abuse affects society in many ways. Drug users are more likely than nonusers to have occupational accidents, endangering themselves and those around them. Drug-related crime can disrupt neighborhoods due to violence among drug dealers, threats to residents, and the crimes of the addicts themselves. In addition, drug addiction will cost billions of dollars each year. Heroin use alone is responsible for the epidemic number of new cases of HIV/AIDS and drug addicted infants born each year. Drug addiction is responsible for decreased job productivity and attendance, increased healthcare costs, and an escalation of domestic violence and violent crimes

Drug addiction has many negative physiological health effects, ranging from minor issues like digestion problems or respiratory infections, to potentially fatal diseases. The effects depend on the drug and on the amount, method and frequency of use. The upshot is that regular drug abuse or sustained exposure to a drug can cause physiological dependence, which means that when the person stops taking drugs, he/she experiences physical withdrawal symptoms and a craving for the drug.

Drug addiction can cause brain damage. Drug addiction affects the way the brain functions and alters its responses to the world. How drug abuse will affect your behavior, actions, feelings and motivations is unpredictable. By meddling in the natural ways the brain functions, abusers exposes themselves to risks they may not even have imagined.

Drugs addiction leads to psychological and physiological dependence. The term drugs abuse is used to indicate the excessive consumption of a drug, regardless of whether an individual is truly dependent on it. Drugs abusers are generally immature, suffering from mental and physical health hazards, emotionally disturbed and psychopathic in nature.

Effects of Drug Addiction

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebrities and Drug Use

!: Celebrities and Drug Use

Ah, celebrities and drug use. It seems that every time we turn on the television or watch the news or read the latest tabloid, there is at least one celebrity (if not more) who is entering into or just getting out of some sort of drug rehab facility or drug treatment center. We saw this (and continue to see it) happen to singer, songwriter, Amy Winehouse. Is it just me or does it seem as if celebrities don't care about their image?

Contrary to popular belief, the life of a celebrity isn't all fun and games. It is a life that is often filled with gruesome schedules, all nighters, back to back traveling, photo shoots, plane flights across the country and constant attention in the spotlight. After a while, all of the pressures that so many celebrities face begins to wear thin. Maybe celebrities should get more sleep. One thing is for sure; money cannot buy you happiness...but it sure can buy you drugs along with whatever other material things tickle your fancy.

So, then why is it that so many celebrities can't seem to get it together? Perhaps this will remain a mystery. Maybe they spend a little too much time in character. Look at the last celebrity struggle with drugs: Lindsay Lohan. We watched as this young, budding female start took to the silver screen and grew up before our eyes. Everyone has issues- whether it's with their parents, friends or other family members. However the difference between a regular person versus a celebrity is that most of us cannot afford a drug-ridden life style. When you are a celebrity, you have everything right there at your fingertips. All you have to do is say the magic word or words to the right person and you can pretty much get whatever it is your heart desires.

Perhaps celebrities let stardom go to their heads. Nowadays, whenever there is a new, young starlet, I cringe. I try, like so many other regular non-celebrity people, to not get my hopes up on this one. I do this because it is only a matter of time before something happens to sully that person's once sparkling reputation. When you or I become involved in relationships and break up, no one knows about it unless we tell them. We are emotionally distraught, but most of our mourning is done in private until we are ready to move on. This is not the case in the life of a celebrity. For celebrities, everything is under the microscope. From the birth of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's kids to the death of Cameron Diaz's father, we, the American public are there with our prying eyes wondering whether or not our favorite celebrity will be able to make it through another day.

The problem with celebrities and drug use is that many of them think that they are above the law. This is clearly not the case though because 'yes,' even celebrities can and will wind up in jail.

Celebrities and Drug Use

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Easy Tips to Beat Alcohol Abuse

!: Easy Tips to Beat Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol addiction impacts every aspect of your life, from the places you go to the way you act. From a personal standpoint I'd like to offer some ideas that gave me the strength to beat alcohol abuse.

Ask yourself, "What happens right before I start drinking?" - Usually there is an instance that triggers the need to drink. When you find the underlying cause, then you can begin to stay sober. One example is that shy people think alcohol will "loosen them up", or give them the courage to talk to others.

Stop going to places that encourage alcohol abuse, and take up a healthier lifestyle. There are many types of fun and exciting things to do that give you a chance to not only meet new people, but strengthen your life.

Head to the gym! Lack of exercise can lead to depression, which can in turn lead to alcohol addiction. With the onset of more gyms there are great incentives to join. Many offer discounts and exciting classes such as rock climbing. Not only will you feel better from the increased hormone production, but also find a great opportunity to connect with upbeat, empowering people.

Get motivated! Try a dancing class or stroll around at nearby museums and art galleries. Check in the local paper for support groups. Talking with other people who are trying to beat alcohol addiction will give you the strength not to drink. As these things do not have to cost large amounts of money, they will also give you a chance to discover new hobbies. You may be able to also strike up a conversation with someone that could lead to something meaningful in a healthy way.

Meditate. The goal here is to be introspective and positive. Make a collage from newspapers or magazines that picture the life you want to have once you're free from alcohol abuse. Add words that inspire. Look at it daily.

The best advice I have is to believe in yourself. Once you understand that you have value, it makes it easier to stop alcohol abuse.

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Easy Tips to Beat Alcohol Abuse

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction and Its Cure

!: Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction and Its Cure

The use of pharmaceutical drugs as pain reliever and anxiety buster is known to all human beings. People often use these prescription drugs when they are stressed out by the daily rush and hustle of their work and personal life. Most of them are unaware of the ill-effects of these pharmaceutical drugs. Although these drugs give relief for some time, the side effects are disastrous. The side effects do not show up instantly, they reveal their original cruel face after quite a long time and till then heavy damage is done to the person's health. People often become victims of prescription drug addiction after prolonged use of it.

The side effects that show up are briefly discussed below,

1. The eyes become red and dilated; anyone can identify a person who is addicted to painkiller by looking at their eyes.
2. The painkiller addicted people sleeps for long periods of time.
3. When they are awake, they yawn excessively all day long.
4. A painkiller addicted person can easily be identified by his sloth behavior, lack of zeal in any kind of work.
5. An uncontrollable craving for their daily dosage of painkillers originates within the person.
6. The painkiller addicts often feel loss of appetite. As a result of which they lose their health slowly.
7. The mood of the addict swings from extreme violence to extreme calmness in just matter of time.
8. They often suffer from runny nose, nausea, headache etc.
9. Hallucinations are a common effect of opiates and painkiller addicts feels just the same.
10. They often neglect their job, responsibilities which affects not only them but also the people depending on them and surrounding them.

The victims of painkiller addiction are often very irritating to live with. They stay in a world isolated from the normal people. The only way to get these people back to their normal life is to admit them in a painkiller rehab. A painkiller rehab is the only treatment center where the person can get all sorts of medical treatment and attention, which can help them to get rid of their addiction.

The painkiller addicts have to face a lot of problem even during the treatment period. The opiate withdrawal effects are too much painful and unbearable. Some noticeable opiate withdrawal effects are insomnia, runny nose, depression, excessive sweating, muscle pain etc. Most patients are unable to tolerate this physical and mental pain, many patients even run away from the rehabs and some even commit suicide being unable to take this excruciating pain.

If you observe the above mentioned symptoms in any close person of yours, then be sure that he or she has already got addicted to these pharmaceutical drugs. Take all the possible necessary steps to help that person get rid of painkiller addiction; otherwise it will ruin his or her life and also yours. Proper treatment in an opiate rehab is the only way to cure the person from this addiction disease. It is the only way to get that person get back to normalcy.

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Addiction and Its Cure

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Framed Art Poster 20x30, Child of a Rehab Client

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Addiction Or Obsession?

!: Addiction Or Obsession?

One of the best things about being an author is meeting new people. I have received wonderful cards and telephone calls since writing my book thanking me for sharing my experience with my drug and alcohol addictions. Not all of the responses are from people who have had problems with drugs and alcohol but a lot of people have expressed how they have been touched by the relation between addiction to drugs and alcohol is right there with their weight problems. I was amazed of how many of those responses I got.

One person described how their weight became a problem when they were very young. I have so much respect for these people and their honesty because I know how difficult it is to share this information with others. They talked and described how food became such an obsession that they would hide it because they felt everyone was watching what they ate all the time and every time they did put on weight it became even more intense. They not only hid food but they would get up in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping and go through the cupboards looking for anything to eat and as it progressed they even started going through the garbage.

Before they knew it in some situations after living being overweight they found themselves being made fun of by their peers, being left out of social events and being talked about. It hurt very deeply and once that hurt became so painful one woman described how she went to the extreme. She became so angry and disgusted with herself she started finding ways she could to stop eating. Diet pills, fad diets, and starvation were her primary methods and when those things didn't work she focused on large amounts of laxatives and then progressing to purging which was making herself throw up after she ate anything.

She became obsessed with it so much that it emotionally took over. Every hour of every day was so consumed with how she looked and when she looked in the mirror which became one of her biggest fears she saw a different perception of herself than everyone else saw. After starving herself and abusing herself for quite some time she had lost so much weight it was a threat to her health. She described how she started having shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and numerous times fainted but she still saw herself as being fat and not being fat was her priority. She felt like she had control over something for the first time. When she was overweight she didn't feel like she had control and all the abuse she took from other people and she felt now like she was in control of her own body but now it was threatening to her life.

This has been going on for years with her and it hasn't gotten better. She feels strongly that it has not become and addiction with her just as my alcoholism has with me. Addiction is addiction no matter what the obsession is about. Weight, gambling, drugs, alcohol, and even cleanliness; they are all issues that affect different people in different ways but if they are not handled correctly could result in life threatening situations. My life has revolved around addiction throughout my family and no matter who's addiction is health related or not it can impact the functionality of a family in various manners. It has been difficult to get them all under control because each person views their addiction as playing a less affective role to the other family members while in reality every addiction has impacted each family member in a different way. We work through each issue daily and hope that they other person is willing to work towards a healthier lifestyle but when it comes down to it, the responsibility falls on that specific individual.

Addiction Or Obsession?

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Alcohol Depression

!: Alcohol Depression

Being a mixture of two of life's most common and challenging problems, alcohol depression is a very serious problem. Alcoholism and depression can be hard to treat. Alcohol abuse is detrimental to your health and the attachment to it can be hard to break. Although alcohol is a depressant, many turn to the bottle to feel better and relieve stress. A glass or two of wine never hurt anybody, right? And it does help us to unwind. But too much alcohol though, can lead to depression and that is when it becomes more difficult to break the habit. But it is possible to defeat this issue known as alcohol depression. It has been said to create an imbalance within a person mentally.

Brain damage and memory loss are just two things that can occur from drinking too much alcohol. Physical problems can also be a result of drinking too much alcohol and like depression; alcohol depression can make you reject any progress that you have previously made. This can cause a person to inflict damage to their bodies and drink much more than their body can handle. Alcohol depresses the brain and nervous system and so makes us even more depressed. It has been said that studies have shown that in women, depression leads to alcohol use whilst alcohol leads to depression in men. Heavily drinking means an increase of getting stomach ulcers and hepatitis and alcohol depression can lead to other issues such as financial problems and self-esteem issues.

Stopping drinking is the only solution to make these things better. You won't feel better as soon as you've gone a day without drinking, but you will be making progress. So how is it possible to beat this? Rehab would probably be the first thing you think of but what about when it comes to beating this problem, but what about hypnotherapy? Growing in popularity, it is a great way to overcome problems. Hypnotherapy gets to the root of what is causing your problem, in this case, alcohol depression. As alcohol contributes to depression, how about a hypnotherapy session to stop drinking? And how about tips on how to battle depression? It isn't like the cold: take a few pills and wrap up warm to get better! Alcohol depression needs attention and care. Your problem with alcohol and causes of depression will be dealt with to resolve your alcohol depression.

Alcohol Depression

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Drug Rehab Statistics

!: Drug Rehab Statistics

Drug abuse is defined as the compulsive and habitual misuse of any drug for various purposes, such as achieving calming or euphoric effects, an escape from reality, dulling anxiety, and fighting depression. Drug abuse victims need a support system to help them overcome this negative habit. The rehabilitation of such drug abuse victims is conducted through special drug rehab programs that are designed to make the victim independent from the drug. Drug rehab statistics are an indication of the number of drug abuse victims and the common drug abuse methods.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, it is estimated that almost 22.8 million Americans need treatment for either alcohol or drug addiction. Out of these 22.8 million people, only a small percentage received help from rehabilitation, and the rest were not exposed to any rehab programs. Around 1.2 million drug abusers who did not receive any treatment admitted to having felt the need for treatment at some point in time. A small percentage of these people disclosed that they made attempts to get some kind of help, but were unable to contact any rehab support group.

The percentage of teenagers reported to be victims of drug abuse is alarming. There were 2.3 million youth between the ages of 12 to 17 who were found to need treatment for alcohol or any other illicit drug abuse. Only 8.2 percent of these youths received any rehab help. An increased use of illegal substances such as cocaine, heroin, and other drugs among the youth is also observed.

It is possible to curb this menace if drug abuse is detected in its early stages. Behavioral change is the most reliable indicator of drug abuse in an individual. Drug rehab can help such people to overcome their addiction.

Drug Rehab Statistics

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Christians and Depression

!: Christians and Depression

Christians are Christlike, they try to understand what the bible standards are, what God requires from them and then structure their principles and standards of life by it just like Jesus Christ did when he was on earth. Christians sacrifice their time and some of the temporary pleasures of this world to serve God well, and it is understandable to wonder why after such effort and sacrifice will God allow a Christian to suffer from depression, such a terrible illness? Some people have turned away from God as a result, and even some of the ones who are still Christians get ridiculed sometimes for claiming to serve God but still suffering from depression. It makes even the strongest in the faith sometimes wonder where is God? Why does he permit so much suffering on his children?

Being a Christian doesn't exempt one from the suffering and pain experienced in the world. The bible never said Christians will be exempted from suffering. In fact as Christians we should not be surprised when bad things happen because Jesus Christ who we try to imitate were persecuted, he suffered and went through pain for doing nothing wrong, talk more of we who are sinners. Moreover as readers of the bible we were already forewarned of the many bad things that will happen as 'signs of the last days' Luke 21:11. The suffering that befall a Christian or even a non Christian is not God's fault, rather they happen for one of three reasons.

As a direct consequence of a person's action.

The influence of Satan and his demons on the world.

Unforeseen occurrence

As a direct consequence of a person's action

Many of the sufferings that befall us humans is caused by us, by actions such as fighting during war that leads to death, crimes that lead to life in prison or sins passed upon children, polluting environments that leads to diseases and natural disaster, greed that lead to imprisonment and death, harmful health habits that can cause various defects and health conditions.

Christians who live their lives according to God's standard are protected from some of these self inflicted pain and Christians who don't are not immune to the consequences of what they do. Galatians 6:7 says: "Do not be misled: God is not to be mocked, for whatever a man is sowing he will also reap". Obeying God's guidelines protects Christians from many calamities, proverbs 1:30-33. But unfortunately not all calamities, Christians sometimes suffer misfortune as a result of other people's mistake, such as environmental pollution and even factors that are not within anyone's control such as hereditary factors.

The influence of Satan and his demons on the world

The bible discloses that much suffering is because of the influence of wicked spirits. the suffering for which so many people blame God does not come from him at all, Revelation 12:12.

Unforeseen Occurrence

Time and unforeseen occurrence also have a bearing to what happens to us. Something bad happening to you not because you were targeted by the devil, or any of your fault but because by chance you were at a place at the wrong time.

Can my Depression be Punishment from God over something I did?

Most of the people who violate godly standards do experience bad effects and sometimes it happens quickly. But does this mean they are being punished by God for the sin they committed? If that were true, what about Jesus Christ who never did wrong but was cruelly mistreated and put to death? And what about Job who lost his possessions and was afflicted with loathsome disease, was God punishing him too?

No. The bible helps us to understand that a time will come when people will be judged according to their deeds, but for now, prosperity should not be viewed as proof of God's blessing nor should adversity be considered proof of his disapproval. Proverbs 2:21,22

Should a true Christian suffer from Depression?

Depression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors. But your lifestyle choices, relationships and coping skills matters more than genetics. If this is the case, one would expect a Christian to have more hold on depression since he or she is living a life according to bible's standards which allows him or her to have a happy life, one free from life's unnecessary worries and gives them the strength beyond what is normal to cope with life's challenges. And a Christian knows better to face matters head on than to take it personal and let emotions control him or her. But we're imperfect humans, no matter how we try to live our lives according to bible's standards, and fight life's struggles without getting emotional, sometimes we fall short and give into our emotions, but that is okay. You just need to be able to pull yourself up each time you fall short.

Can my Faith in God help me overcome my Depression?

The answer is yes and no, which one will apply to you depends on how you regard faith. Do you simply have faith that God will somehow pull you through your depression without making effort to see that you overcome your depression? If that is the case then, no, your faith can't cure your depression.

But have you been diagnosed to have depression, and you've started taking the treatment you need to get better and making other extra effort and counting on God to bless your treatment and your efforts so that you can get better? Then yes, your faith will help you overcome depression.

The bible in James 2:17 clearly states: "Faith, if it does not have works is dead in itself."

To illustrate: A young man may court a young lady, telling her that he loves her. But if he never asks her to marry him, is he really demonstrating that his love is thorough? Likewise works or actions are a means of demonstrating the genuineness of our faith and our love.

Help for Christians suffering from depression

How to Avoid much Suffering

God does not just leave us by ourselves without a guide. He provided us with the very best counsel on living through the bible, which when applied fills our lives with meaning, results in a happy family life, brings us into close association with people who really love one another and safeguards us against practices that can bring us much needless physical suffering.

As a Christian learn to face your problems head on. Don't take it so personal that you become depressed. There are different ways different people are suffering today, if yours is depression, then quickly reach out to qualified people who can help and start dealing with it. Don't let it linger while you ask yourself why me. Asking the wrong questions doesn't help you, so get the help you need and pray to God to bless your treatment and your efforts to get well.

Draw strength from the many examples in the bible of Christians who faced many problems but were able to cope. Learn how they did it and apply it in your case.

Seek support from a mature Christian member, someone you can confide in and that can help you cope with your illness. A problem shared is half solved, and two good heads are better than one.

Should a Christian take antidepressant?

Of course, if your type of depression requires it. God has allowed mankind to learn about many medical tools that can greatly help people suffering from different health issues. It will be foolish not to avail one's self to them. Remember, you need to give God something to bless. A person who is sick and doesn't take the drug that is required to get well, is like a person who wakes up every morning and prays to God for a better life and then sits down all day doing nothing, even if that person prays for the next 50 years, without taking steps to create that better life, his situation will remain the same.

Christians and Depression

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