Thursday, December 29, 2011

Black Framed/Matted Print 17x23, Child of a Rehab Client

!: Good bargain Black Framed/Matted Print 17x23, Child of a Rehab Client free shipping

Brand : ClassicPix | Rate : | Price : $69.95
Post Date : Dec 29, 2011 15:04:46 | Usually ships in 2-3 business days

This high quality Art Poster is matted and framed by our professional framers, and arrives fully assembled and ready to hang. The durable black wood frame measures 17x23 inches - poster size is 12x18 inches. A clear plexiglass facing protects your poster and adds a lusterous shine. Posters are printed on heavy-stock, semi-matte paper producing the best possible combination of color vibrancy and durability. All posters from ClassicPix are produced and framed on demand one-at-a-time, just for you - not mass-produced. Our personal hands-on processing assures the highest quality. To see all of our prints and posters, click on ClassicPix above. About this image: Washington, Yakima Valley, near Wapato. One of Chris Adolph's younger children. Farm Security Administration Rehabilitation clients.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Effects of Drug Addiction

!: Effects of Drug Addiction

Drugs addiction is one of the most vexing and pervasive problems that almost all the countries have faced. The consequence of such addiction can be devastating. The effects of drug addiction are felt on many levels.

Individuals who use drugs experience physical effects due to their drug addiction. People with drug addiction may experience anxiety, fatigue, depression, and a strong desire to use more cocaine to alleviate the feelings of the crash. Many drug users engage in criminal activity, such as burglary and prostitution, to raise the money to buy drugs, and some drugs are associated with violent behavior.

Family and friends feel the effects of drug addiction as well. The user who are preoccupied with the drug usually have changeable mood, which is likely to cause marital problems and poor work performance or dismissal. Drug addiction can disrupt family life and create destructive patterns of codependency.

Drug Abuse affects society in many ways. Drug users are more likely than nonusers to have occupational accidents, endangering themselves and those around them. Drug-related crime can disrupt neighborhoods due to violence among drug dealers, threats to residents, and the crimes of the addicts themselves. In addition, drug addiction will cost billions of dollars each year. Heroin use alone is responsible for the epidemic number of new cases of HIV/AIDS and drug addicted infants born each year. Drug addiction is responsible for decreased job productivity and attendance, increased healthcare costs, and an escalation of domestic violence and violent crimes

Drug addiction has many negative physiological health effects, ranging from minor issues like digestion problems or respiratory infections, to potentially fatal diseases. The effects depend on the drug and on the amount, method and frequency of use. The upshot is that regular drug abuse or sustained exposure to a drug can cause physiological dependence, which means that when the person stops taking drugs, he/she experiences physical withdrawal symptoms and a craving for the drug.

Drug addiction can cause brain damage. Drug addiction affects the way the brain functions and alters its responses to the world. How drug abuse will affect your behavior, actions, feelings and motivations is unpredictable. By meddling in the natural ways the brain functions, abusers exposes themselves to risks they may not even have imagined.

Drugs addiction leads to psychological and physiological dependence. The term drugs abuse is used to indicate the excessive consumption of a drug, regardless of whether an individual is truly dependent on it. Drugs abusers are generally immature, suffering from mental and physical health hazards, emotionally disturbed and psychopathic in nature.

Effects of Drug Addiction

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebrities and Drug Use

!: Celebrities and Drug Use

Ah, celebrities and drug use. It seems that every time we turn on the television or watch the news or read the latest tabloid, there is at least one celebrity (if not more) who is entering into or just getting out of some sort of drug rehab facility or drug treatment center. We saw this (and continue to see it) happen to singer, songwriter, Amy Winehouse. Is it just me or does it seem as if celebrities don't care about their image?

Contrary to popular belief, the life of a celebrity isn't all fun and games. It is a life that is often filled with gruesome schedules, all nighters, back to back traveling, photo shoots, plane flights across the country and constant attention in the spotlight. After a while, all of the pressures that so many celebrities face begins to wear thin. Maybe celebrities should get more sleep. One thing is for sure; money cannot buy you happiness...but it sure can buy you drugs along with whatever other material things tickle your fancy.

So, then why is it that so many celebrities can't seem to get it together? Perhaps this will remain a mystery. Maybe they spend a little too much time in character. Look at the last celebrity struggle with drugs: Lindsay Lohan. We watched as this young, budding female start took to the silver screen and grew up before our eyes. Everyone has issues- whether it's with their parents, friends or other family members. However the difference between a regular person versus a celebrity is that most of us cannot afford a drug-ridden life style. When you are a celebrity, you have everything right there at your fingertips. All you have to do is say the magic word or words to the right person and you can pretty much get whatever it is your heart desires.

Perhaps celebrities let stardom go to their heads. Nowadays, whenever there is a new, young starlet, I cringe. I try, like so many other regular non-celebrity people, to not get my hopes up on this one. I do this because it is only a matter of time before something happens to sully that person's once sparkling reputation. When you or I become involved in relationships and break up, no one knows about it unless we tell them. We are emotionally distraught, but most of our mourning is done in private until we are ready to move on. This is not the case in the life of a celebrity. For celebrities, everything is under the microscope. From the birth of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's kids to the death of Cameron Diaz's father, we, the American public are there with our prying eyes wondering whether or not our favorite celebrity will be able to make it through another day.

The problem with celebrities and drug use is that many of them think that they are above the law. This is clearly not the case though because 'yes,' even celebrities can and will wind up in jail.

Celebrities and Drug Use

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

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